Robert Smith

I'm Bruno Vieira

Android Developer

Download Resume

Hello! I'm Bruno Vieira. Currently, I'm working with Android Development at Concrete Solutions and studying for a Bacharelor's degree in Unicarioca.

I truly believe that new learning is not a bad thing. As I can see, new learning means new challenges and the challenge is my energy to improve my knowledge to develop better, faster and with quality.

You can see more about my work here.

Thank you for coming =]

Professional Skills

Unit Tests & UI Tests 90%
Kotlin 95%
Git 99%
Mobile Applications 95%
Web Services 90%
Soda 100%


Cartola FC

Android Application

Cartola Admin

Android Application


Android Application


Android Application (Mobile and TV)

Work Experience

2015 - 2019


Android Developer

I was responsible for working on a multi-disciplinary team, developing Android applications, ensuring quality with great techniques and new technologies, such as: MVP, Unit Tests, Robolectric, Git, Gradle...

2019 - now

Android Developer

I was responsible for working on a multi-disciplinary team, developing Android applications, ensuring quality with great techniques and new technologies, such as: MVVM with Architecture Components, Unit Tests, Android TV, Widgets, GraphQL, Git, Gradle...


2012 - 2014

Programming Technician in Digital Games

Núcleo Avançado em Educação - NAVE RIO

2016 - 2021

Bachelor Computer Science

Centro Universitário Carioca - UniCarioca

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me =]

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